Transfigurum Vampirica - Bimbo Goth Vampire TG TF


~Model: Lurcifera~

A small bell jingled, as the door to the magic shop opened and Aiden entered. He glanced around with awed curiosity, looking over the wide selection of strange and fascinating objects, charms, and other items. He couldn't help himself, and made sure to pick up practically everything that came within his field of view.

A rather attractive goth woman behind the counter looked up from the magazine she was reading to glance at him, as he had just picked up a wooden staff and was waving it around.

"Hey, can I help you with something?" she asked.

Aiden stopped for a moment and scratched his head, glancing at the staff with a stupid expression on his face.

"Uh, yeah... Is this staff like a magic staff or whatever?"

"No, it's just a regular old wooden staff. People usually buy those for decoration or to get around."

"Oh..." he muttered, a bit disappointed. "Do you actually have any real magicy things here?"

"Well no, but we do have spell books." she said, pointing out some bookshelves. "You can check those out if you like."

Aiden made his way over to the shelves, glancing over all the odd books. Many of them were on witchcraft, voodoo, and other forms of magic. One in particular caught his eye. It was an old leather bound book, and it looked very rare. As soon as he saw it, he knew he had to have it.

He pulled it off the shelf and brought it to the counter where the girl quickly rung it up.

"Will that be all?" she asked handing him the book.

"Yep, thanks." he says, paying her for the book, and heading out the door.

Later that night...

Aiden was sitting in the middle of his living room, the strange book open in front of him. He had no idea what half of the stuff in it said, but it did have pictures. One picture showed some sort of circle with symbols in it, and he deduced it must be some kind of magic circle. Most movies he'd seen of people drawing ritual circles, they used chalk though he didn't have any. Glancing around he found a black sharpie, eh, it'd have to do.

He looked at the pictures and started drawing his own, scribbling a poorly drawn circle on the floor and random symbols. After he drew the last one, he put the book down and stared at his handiwork.

"Okay... now just need the magic words or whatever." he mumbled, flipping through the pages.

A page caught his eye, displaying what looked like a drawing of a woman with large breasts and a pair of fangs. There also seemed to be some sort of reddish brown stains over the page, as if someone had spilled something.

"Whoa, maybe this is a magic spell to summon a hot chick?" Aiden wondered aloud, glancing over the words.

The weird stains seemed to cover up most of the words next to the image, but he did manage to make out something.

"Femina... transfigurum... vampirica...?" he muttered under his breath. "Huh, what-"

Suddenly the symbols in the circle flashed a bright red, and a strange black mist rose up from the floor. It grew bigger and bigger, and Aiden was tempted to back away, however the black mass seemed to morph into the vague shape of a large breasted female figure.

"Whoa..." he said again, eyes wide and a grin on his face as he stared at the shape. "Hey, uh... what's your name?"

The figure didn't respond, its shifting form slowly floating towards him.

"It's nice to meet you... I'm Aiden."

He extended his hand only for it to move over him, sending a chill through him as it began to swirl around him, returning to it's original amorphous shape. Goosebumps formed over his flesh as the darkness surrounded him, brushing against his skin. He could feel every hair on his body stick straight up, before retreating into his body.

"This is... why do I feel... tingly?" he whispered to himself.

An odd sensation formed in his skin, the beginning of changes accompanying the feeling. His now hairless skin, softened, becoming silky smooth as it began to take on a paler complexion. Soon, the feeling moved through his body, as his bones shifted and his body became more and more slender.

"What the heck?!" he uttered, struggling to see his changing body in the black mist that had enveloped him.

He touched his body, feeling the soft skin and changing form beneath his clothes.

His waist was thinner, his ass bigger. He was developing a more hourglass shaped form, and as his hands wandered to his chest he discovered two odd protrusions forming. He gave them a curious squeeze through his shirt, his nails growing as his fingers and hands thinned.

"Boobs?!" he gasped, in shock. "I've got boobs!"

The nipples grew hard as they pressed against the fabric of his t-shirt, sending an embarrassingly pleasant sensation through him. He quickly stopped himself from groping himself, crossing his arms across his chest as if to hide his growing embarrassment.

"O.K, you can turn back now," he said in a small voice that was growing increasingly higher in pitch, hoping to appeal to whatever force was behind the changes taking place.

Though the changes didn't cease, they only continued.

He unconsciously pressed his legs together, squirming as he felt a distracting change taking place between his legs.

"Oh!" he gasped, doubling over and letting out a drawn out and very female moan. "Fuuuugggg!"

He could feel his genitals shifting, pulling inside his body and completely reforming into a fully functioning female sex. His hand immediately went to his crotch to confirm his suspicion, only for him to begin rubbing himself through his pants, ushering another moan from him.

"Cant... sooo good!" he said squeezing his eyes shut, the changes finally moving over his face.

His lips grew bigger and softer, his nose thinner, and his chin more pointed. His hair grew longer, falling around his face in black strands as his eyebrows thinned.

When the changes had finally finished, he was left a fair-skinned and 100%, female young woman. Though he, or she, was too caught up in the sensation between her legs to pay it much mind. The transformation had left her extra sensitive, and it wasn't long before she finally crossed the finish line.

Her knees buckled as she felt her insides spasm, releasing a wave of bliss through her body that nearly knocked her off her feet. She slowly opened her eyes, as the bliss faded.

"That was... wow," she said, glancing down at her body.

She was still wearing her old clothes, but her body was definitely not the same as it was. Normally Aiden would have been freaked out, but she had to admit, whatever spell she used left her with one hell of an upgrade. The spell book was lying next to the circle on the floor, and she then noticed something.

"Wait, where'd the weird black mist go?"

She glanced around her room, hearing a strange fluttering above her head like hundreds of tiny little wings.

"What the-"

The strange mist was swirling above her head, and as she opened her mouth it promptly forced its way down her throat. She coughed and gagged, eyes rolling back as it spread throughout her, lifting her off the floor and filling her with a cold darkness that immediately began to corrupt her further.

Her lips immediately began to swell, growing thicker, softer and plumper. Black lipstick glazed over the plump pair of kissers as makeup appeared over her face, dark eye shadow highlighting her strikingly blue eyes. Her teeth began to grow sharper, protruding out from under her open lips, and elongating into a pair of fangs.

The rest of her body quickly began to change, growing and swelling, as it began to develop unnatural curves that forced her clothes to stretch tightly to contain them. Her breasts grew bigger and rounder, as they ballooned into a massive pair of tits, so large that the shirt containing them let out a pained 'Sssshriiip!' as the fabric tore down the sides. The mountainous mammaries jiggled in the torn shirt as they were afforded much their needed freedom.

"Mhmm~!" came a stifled moan, as her body became increasingly sensitive, her nipples wide as quarters and fully erect from the growing arousal.

Her waist narrowed, hips broadening as her ass puffed out into two fat round cheeks that forced the zipper of her pants to snap, launching the button across the room like a stray bullet. Her legs, thin and slender, grew thicker, rounder and wider, developing into a pair of soft meaty thighs.

She could feel her mind slipping as her thoughts became darker, more lustful, and much simpler. A powerful craving dominated her mind, a craving for sweet delicious blood... and another craving for something else... something long and hard.

She licked her lips, letting out a moan that transitioned into a small giggle as her head swam with all manner of sinful ideas. Glancing down at her body, only served to fuel her fantasies.

Soon enough her torn and loose clothing morphed over her ridiculous form, becoming something more befitting of the sinful creature she was becoming.

Her torn shirt formed into a fishnet top that did little to support the beach ball sized tits on her chest, causing them to jiggle and bounce as she hovered above the floor. Black tape covered her large dark nipples, as a black corset squeezed tight around her waist. Her pants seemingly melted away to reveal a pair of boxer briefs, which shrunk into a small black thong. The small piece of fabric wedged itself between her ginormous ass cheeks, the waistband stretched over her protruding hips.

Her sneakers were replaced with a pair of black leather, knee-high boots with a large heel. A pair of lacy black gloves appeared, reaching up her forearms as her nails grew longer and sharper, elongating into a pair of claws covered in glossy black nail polish.

A jeweled choker wrapped itself around her neck, and a ring appearing in her nose, as all manner of tattoos simultaneously formed over her pale skin.

Then, the transformation complete, she lowered to the floor, landing on her two feet. Aiden, no that wasn't an appropriate name for her... Amy, seemed more fitting.

Amy looked herself over, admiring her new look. A wicked grin spread across her face as she thought of the fun times to come.

"I'm like sooo hot!" she giggled, giving her tits a shake as she dug her claws into her hips. "Time to have some fun!"

And with that the new vampire quickly morphed into a large black bat, before flitting out the door to satisfy her new desires. The night was still young, and she would definitely be enjoying it to the fullest.


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