Miscommunication - TG TF

~Model: Elizabeth Ostrander~ Today was like most every day, Zach was on his computer watching YouTube videos or finding some other way to occupy his time. He lived a boring life, he didn't even have a job, and his computer was a source of constant distraction from boredom. Though every now and then he would give his computer a rest to take a long walk, and get some much needed exercise. As a funny video about a talking dog ended, Zach stood up, stretching his limbs and twisting his neck before heading out the door. It wasn't long before he was out the door and walking down the street. He got a few blocks away when suddenly the sky darkened and he felt the first few drops of rain bounce off his head. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me." he muttered to himself. "It's just another excuse for me to turn around and go back home." He shook his head and felt his shirt getting damp as the rain drops spattered him. Well, looked like his walk was over before i...